Well, I’m 35 weeks pregnant!

Sitting here thinking how has all this gone so fast?

It seems like it was just yesterday that we were doing our injections for our IVF, and now BAM we are 35 weeks pregnant!

It’s finally starting to feel a bit real. I mean I know I’m pregnant, I felt movement from 15 weeks but I guess I never truly believed I would get this far? That I would be this lucky?

I’m currently consultant led, I was consultant led from the start, just because this is an IVF pregnancy and that is what they do here. I was downgraded at about 28 weeks, and then put back to “high risk” again by my midwife due to me having some issues with high blood pressure and migraines, then I had my “your bump is measuring 4 weeks ahead” appointment and was referred for a growth scan, which showed she was 90th centile, which again meant I had to see the consultant.

My last consultant appointment he did another scan, turns out she was then 97th centile and they would like to scan again, so on Monday we are off for another growth scan. I am kind of hoping she was just having some crazy growth spurt and has calmed down a little, but I guess Monday will tell all. I’m hoping to be downgraded so I can have a water birth, but I just want her here safe.

So here’s my 35 week bump. I am really going to miss it when its gone, but I honestly cannot wait to meet her now.


She also seems to really enjoy hanging out on my right hand side. It makes my bump look so lopsided and odd!


We are all prepared for her to arrive now, the only thing I really need to do is get my car fully valeted as it has been used recently for ferrying our dog about as we have just bought a dog/baby friendly second car, a Volvo estate which will make traveling up to visit my family in Lancashire a lot easier.

My mum is currently down with us visiting. We did some shopping today and I picked up these from JoJo Maman Bebe;


They were only £4 and are really handy and can be used to clip muslins onto car seats and prams to keep your baby shaded.

They can be found here online and they sell them in store; http://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/sp+clam-p-clips-in-breast-and-bottle-feeding+d3173

Tomorrow we are off to a little town called Abergavenny for some afternoon tea and will be visiting my favorite baby shop Cuddle & Cwtch, they stock so many beautiful things, including Frugi clothing (my favorite!!). If you fancy a look their website is http://www.cuddleandcwtch.co.uk/ and you can shop online with them!

Did you miss your bump when it was gone? Anyone told they were having a big baby? What action was taken? Were you induced? It would be good to hear other peoples experiences.


  1. firsttimemummy · April 23, 2014

    Just tried to like but I’m not a word press member so thought I’d comment instead! 🙂


  2. tiasmum12 · April 24, 2014

    Awww bless, what a lovely bump!
    I honestly didn’t miss my bump, and still don’t. However I didn’t much like being pregnant either, I was very poorly for 90% of it so I was just pleased when my baby arrived safely. My daughter came two weeks early to the day 🙂 I really wanted a water birth too but wasn’t allowed because it took me 17 hours to get to 4cm and was exhausted. Good luck! Not long now xx


  3. yummyblogger · April 25, 2014

    sounds like we’re in a a similar boat, I’m also measuring big with high blood pressure! Eeeeeek! Xx


    • lovebeckha · April 25, 2014

      Are you being induced early or anything? Have they said what percentile your baby is? xx


  4. Bex @ The Mummy Adventure · April 26, 2014

    I miss my bump so much when I see gorgeous photos like yours! My first baby was big, and although I had been measuring 5 weeks ahead from 20 weeks, they didn’t intervene and scan until 37. Luckily he came on his own at 38 weeks and thank goodness he did as he was 8lb10! I hope everything goes well for you, not long at all now!


    • lovebeckha · April 26, 2014

      Oh wow that is a good weight, my husband is convinced she will arrive early! I’m not so sure though! x


  5. Victoria · April 27, 2014

    lovely bump) we went yesterday for a meal and that was the first time my bump had a proper attention, cant say i liked touching part of it though


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